The last post on this was written in a relative hurry, Alec Hogg had asked for other opinions on the guptas and so I wrote the opinion and sent it to him, which he published. I did spend a bit of time this weekend reading through some of the publicly available gupta emails. A lot of it is run of the mill stuff, I think they were put up there to show that these emails are real. They are all in .pdf format, you therefore can't check the headers etc.
Before I get into one of the emails I happened across this paragraph on the sahara website
Sahara's on going sponsorship & continuous social development has reinforced Sahara's commitment to developing sport and youth in the country both at provincial and national level. With continuous support and endorsing development programs in education, contributing to the government's skills development programs, and active involvement in foundations that support technology participation in the education sector, the company aims to give a new innovative world back to the community that supports it.
Sahara Computers (Pty) Ltd is a "Black Empowered" organisation as per the South African Agriculture Charter
This paragraph is most likely an absolute lie, they refer to three elements that they are generously contributing to but yet their BEE scorecard shows a minimal effort in those elements. I can't find earlier BEE certificates but I get from the emails from one Sekete Malebana-Metsing to the verification agency that in February 2016 they had nothing to offer on ED and SED. The subsequent certificate shows zero for both SED and skills and 0.52 for ED/Supplier Development. And yet they tell us on their corporate website that they are so generous. If they were so generous then their scorecard would reflect it, why would you do all this stuff and not use it?
It is obvious that this paragraph is not current, they refer to a level six under the Agriculture Charter, They still posted their revised BEE certificate up there without updating the website.
And yet the white monopoly capital allegations are still being peddled and gupta pillaging is justified. One email shows an opinion piece that could have been written by Haranath Ghosh, an ann7 patsy being sent to a number of gupta editors (moegsien williams being one of the recipients). santosh choubey then forwards this to the [email protected] email address. I assume this email address is group address and one of the recipients is bell pottinger.
Ghosh writes
Hi Sir
Please see attached opinion piece. kindly let me know if this can go in the paper after subbing.
This can go under Nompumelelo's name if you agree.
H Ghosh
I can't figure out who Nompu is, I suspect she was either a new age journalist or opinion contributor. But it does show that the new age and other gupta media companies were very happy to write inflammatory opinion pieces and credit to a black woman. This is almost perfect fake news.
The top five richest men in South Africa are breeds of “White privilege.” Johann Peter Rupert,Nicky Oppenheimer,Christoffel F. Hendrik Wiese,Koos Bekker and Stephen Saad.This in fact proves that the white elite still own South Africa even if it is just 9% of them. Economic apartheid and its associated policies still remain. Not only that but they create a strict racial hierarchy.
White people in South Africa have continued to reap the benefits of unearned privileges from the system that was. The mistake made was assuming that black entrepreneurship will soar amid white privilege again, wrong.This resonates with the fact that blacks never had the privilege to get educated, pursue self employment and were racially restricted, creating space for underdevelopment. Which brings me to my next point...
Black entrepreneurship will not develop because of the lack of skills that could not be embraced when the white privileged ruled. Even so, when a black person tries to build their own economic success, and if it is in the same sphere as that of white dominated; it is bound to be sabotaged. According to them you should remain swimming with the small fish, while the whites remain in full reign. Apartheid is to blame, white privilege is to blame for black entrepreneurship not developing in South Africa.
It's not clear if this was published - although the Maverick would have certainly published it as an opinion piece. Whether it was published or not, it pushes the white monopoly capital story hard. I find it brilliantly ironic that the owners of this media are bolstering the most corrupt politicians in the country by stealing from the same black people that this article refers to. They themselves appeared to make no attempt do the opposite of what this story posits.