First Paul writes
These emails are very appreciated. I sense that a largish court case could make its way in her direction soon. They are going to have to something about these codes – another verification agency told me that all the QSE’s they’ve verified have come up non-compliant.
Then the reader says
Yes I am seeing that a lot too. I am working on analysing my procurement spend for our rating, and I am seeing a large number of suppliers that were compliant QSE last year are now non-compliant or else level 7 or 8. A number of suppliers are just not bothering to get a certificate. Many of our generic suppliers have fallen several levels, and of course practically every certificate I have is invalid according to the Commissioner because it was issued against the old codes after 01/05/16.
Next year when all the old codes certificates have worked their way out the system and all certificates will be revised codes, I think everyone’s ESD score will look terrible, causing levels to drop significantly. It will become a vicious circle, dragging further down each year.
I would actually be delighted if someone takes her / the whole Commission to court.
Yes dear reader you are absolutely right. If you look at the companies who have come up with a level one under the revised codes then you'll see that their procurement scores are high - and that's because procurement is measured using suppliers' old codes scores. This is a very sound observation. With scores dropping so significantly and the appetite for bolshie's bullshit waning we are looking at the somewhat early demise of empowerment. awdoz can scream from the roof tops and the dti can claim racism and anti-transformationist behaviour whilst the anc declares that white monopoly capital is the cause of all South Africa's ills. (As an aside I saw dooso primero's cavalcade on the highway - he really does favour German colonialist vehicles. What surprises me is that he only needs 17 and half of the traffic department. He obviously is a very secure man basking in the love and adoration of his public.)
They can ruminate and swear and cry foul as much as they like, once you've lost the trust of the public you cannot legislate to get it back. This is where bolshie bob is now - well almost.
What I don't understand is the endgame. What is this commie hoping to achieve here? Is he pushing for BEE's ultimate failure so that he can start nationalising all the businesses - or tightening the requirements to run a business so that all the anc cronies can take 51% of everything. That's what the EFF would do. My Cape Town area connection suggests that bolshie's intention is to exclude all less-than-51%-black-owned QSEs out of government procurement. It's his way of ensuring that black owned businesses have a free reign on government business. My experience shows that the smaller businesses in this country are far cleverer than bolshie thinks they are - they will survive, after all they employ the most people in this country.
This is why I am convinced this government is the most useless government that South Africa has ever experienced, and I'm talking ever. The Nats were fascists that looked after their own through legitimate and nefarious means. These morons have only got half of that right (and a handful of cronies is barely your own) - if anything they have made life worse for their people. It's wonderful to have a Ferrari that you don't deserve because it came through corruption - but not so wonderful to drive it on roads that are no longer maintained because you've killed the tax base.
I don't expect them to listen to me, how can you listen to some white ponce who calls you a fucking idiot at every turn. But I do have a vested interest in this country succeeding because my family has been here for hundreds of years. I have nowhere else to go. If this country is to succeed then all of us need to make an effort of providing opportunities for the whole population. You don't go about it under a cloud of red delusion.