Zungu said the reversal on BEE "will not go unchallenged by black business". The rule would have curbed fronting but, he said, "the minister responded to pressure somewhere".
This paragraph is preceded by
Sandile Zungu, a vice-president of the Black Business Council and an economic adviser to President Jacob Zuma, said he supported Comair's decision. "Comair is correct in being cautious and guarded in doing any BEE deals, particularly around broad-based ownership and employee share schemes, until there is clarification from government," he said.
The irony of the first paragraph should not escape you. This "responding to pressure somewhere" quote is beyond hysterical. It's not unlikely that the insertion of the contested paragraph was as a result of pressure from somewhere else - that else possibly being people close to black business. They've run all over Rob, created a new set of codes that are not implementable and exempted themselves from BEE in the process and there was barely any kickback. When business actually does kick back then the BEE codes are there to prevent fronting.
Yes Sandile, I'll be sure to visit you at the firepool on the inaugural flight on GuptAir landing at Nkandla International