Five out of the seven planned sessions are over. They are small and focussed. David Kalmin knows his clients and I know mine. The initial purpose of these sessions was to let our respective clients know that we are on top of what's coming. I think the difference between our sessions and most other commercial ones are that we have solutions and answers and we can express those within two hours. It's possible to go over two hours but I think we'd lose the listener.
The sessions are broken up into two sections
The first hour or so is my introduction to the codes. Most often when people bore you with their six hour sessions is that they go into the most laborious detail about this principle and that fronting and this code and that code and, and, and, ad finitum. My starting point is the grounding principles of the codes, any code for that matter. If you cannot link your interpretation to those principles, then you are never going to beat any allegation of fronting and most importantly you're not going to convince your empowerdexadrine that your interpretation is sound. There is no one interpretation and no correct interpretation. Everything is up in the air and it's not that hard. Some of things I cover are
- Verification. How can a scorecard be issued under the new codes when the market is used to old codes pricing
- Management/control and the dreaded EAP. It is what it is. I won't go into the ridiculous complexity of these calculations. They take me an afternoon to do anyway. But I will tell you about the Prison's case and regional EAP
- Skills Development. 6% is a massive target and is made more onerous when you consider the EAP. We know that category F and G training is a no go – but does this mean that all inhouse training can only contribute 15% to the target. No.
- And then there are ABET interns. The codes have no issue with that.
- Procurement can be solved by incorporating supplier development into your procurement plan. This is not a small mom and pop store, but a proper, legitimate business.
- And what about Peter Green. I have managed to sneak in a Peter Green story into skills development.
- Often the presentation is changed to talk to those companies that I know so well
- All of this is couched in my somewhat unique presentation style.
- David covers ownership and the modified flow through principle and tax efficient options.
There has been a large demand for inhouse sessions. We'll cover everything you need to know in two hours, give or take half an hour. If you think this could be beneficial for your company contact me and I'll come and deliver it at your offices for a fraction of the price of sending your staff on one of those rather drawn out courses that are being offered.
The pic shows David delivering a different view on ownership