The future of skills development
The BEE Codes of Practice allow companies to recognise the salary spend of staff members on Internships, Learnerships and Apprenticeships. The most interesting and possibly the most neglected skills programme is that of Internships.
To many an Internship involves bringing external people into the organization for workplace experience. However the Skills Development Matrix contradicts this concept by referring to people on ABET programmes, which are typically provided for staff.
It follows that Internships can be extended to internal staff members. This makes a great deal of sense as the internship programme delivers a number of benefits.
- The internship can be tailored to suit the employee and employer. It has an aspect of on the job training to it to ensure that the skills learned during the academic modules are being applied in the workplace.
- Internships are far less rigid than learnerships with a shorter academic cycle. Many learnerships are not adequately suited to employees and they are very time consuming, often requiring self-study in the evenings. Often this is impossible due to loadshedding.
- Internships cost less in terms of time and money than learnerships.
- There is distinct prestige advantage to companies where they position their internship programme as the industry standard.
Join us for a free online seminar on the 9th of November 2023
We will cover all the technical aspects of internships for internal staff and provide the necessary evidence that this programmme is acceptable in terms of the BEE codes and how the entire company can benefit from such an internship programme.
The online course starts at 09:00 and should be finished by 10:30. Space is limited to 100 people. To book send an email to [email protected]
Rudolf Rautenbach |
Paul Janisch |
083 759 0374 |
083 227 1375 |