Before I go into the number of VAs (79 of them) there is something else that needs to be discussed. And it's the dti and their BEE codes.
The economy is now comfortably in a recession, productivity is decreasing substantially because of the isolation. Small businesses (which are the backbone of the economy – that's why the dti wants to control them) are suffering because of the lack of economic activity. And we have the most ridiculous BEE targets that need to be achieved this year. It's a known fact that BEE stopped being about transformation years ago. It's a whipping tool that suddenly became a useful thing to sort out social ills like fees must fall. Under that useless commie idiot bolshie bob (rob davies) the BEE codes would have become a saviour for the whole nation – he was not above upping the targets to sort out tax problems.
Ebie's different though. He seems to be a lot more balanced than bolshie was. One thing for sure, he doesn't speak as much. He garnered a lot of praise for the Pepsi deal, he's known to scupper deals because he's a bloody unionist. This time not,
One competition lawyer told Moneyweb that given the grim state of the local economy and the government's high-profile campaign to encourage foreign investment, Patel can have had little room to push for onerous public interest commitments. "It can't have been a good time to fight for workers getting some control," said the lawyer.
This does show that Ebie understands that we need to be rational here. So Ebie, here what I say to you. Give us a BEE holiday for the rest of the year where every BEE scorecard that is issued where the measurement period starts in March 2020 has relaxed targets. Don't give up procurement, reduce the skills, enterprise and supplier development targets. It'll show that you see that business need to survive this pandemic – they don't need financial targets that are going to close them down. And whilst you are at it tell Samson to climb off his mining hobby horse and give us reliable green power – and then he can tell the bbc, zungu and adil to shut up as well.
Now onto verification agencies.
What is interesting is that the list that I have put on this blog is read often. Why not update it. Not much has happened since that last post - only 79 now.
Here's a chart showing where you can find them
Interestingly the two "other" ones are in Limpopo and the North West. You can find them here – you need to dig deep into the website to find the list. My calculations are here.