Oh to leave a legacy. This wasn't a priority for zuma and it's certainly not a priority for bolshie bob who demonstrated a callous disregard for the well being of the economy. Before he vacated his office he left us with four more gazettes. This is no longer his problem, it's now Ebie's issue. As to where the money is going to come from to fund these far out amendments, only bolshie knows; and history has shown the bolshie knew very little indeed.
Our erstwhile friend signed these nasty documents in early April and then wrote that these were "for implementation within 6 Months from date of Gazette". The date of the gazettte is 31 May 2019. I suppose I am supposed to tell you what this six months means. I have no idea what it means. Is there a further notice the Ebie is going to send out to tell us when this is going to apply? Knowing SANAS we're all in for a surprise, they'll probably tell us that we should have known about it on the 9th of April when that erstwhile dingbat signed it. This smacks of last minute bitterness.
Also - these are only applicable to the dti's codes.
Replace (the applicable code) within Gazette 36928 with the following Amend(ment)
Ebie now needs to amend all the other codes. This then begs the question of fairness. Mein Gott Ebie - you've got your work cut out for you.
Here are the four amendments. I haven't read them properly, they are inevitably much worse than my initial reading suggests. The blurbs below are brief summaries.
Download 42496gen306 flow through removed
We knew the modified flow through would be removed when it came to a level 2 as an EME and QSE. It's gone now
Download 42496gen303 amended definitions
He's tightened up a number of definitions. However he's very clear the ED or SD beneficiaries are EMEs and QSEs. Something he doesn't stick to in the ED/SD code below
Download 42496gen305 skills and bursaries
Rob Davies lives in cloud fucking deluded land (yes I put his name in uppercase - I want someone to Google this and know who fucking bolshie bob is). For 4 points companies now have been given the grand privilege of donating 2.5% of payroll to students at higher education institutions. Somewhere or somehow bolshie bob and his band of desperate warriors seem to think that this is a reasonable amendment to the code. That the economy is shrinking and more people are losing their jobs is not our commie hero's issue. He must have believed that there is enough money for these donations (according to the EAP). No company I know has got enough money for these four points. I wrote about this in 2014, by my calculations Standard Bank would be in for about R400m for those 4 points (not that they are subject to that code). I still wonder how many companies actually agreed to this requirement. This alone needs to be queried.
He's also made one section for learnerships, apprenticeships and internships, it's now up to 6 points for 5% of staff.
Download 42496gen304 - ED proc et al
Probably the most controversial of them all. He's upped the points for black owned purchases and pushed the target to 50%. You can use generic (large) entities as ED/SD beneficiaries subject to them being ED/SD beneficiaries as EMEs or QSEs. And a supplier development beneficiary is on the supply chain list and the ED one isn't. He could have simplified the EME and QSE purchases into one section, as he proposed in the draft, but he didn't.
Happy reading folks. I suppose this bodes well for Ebie - because it is fucking hard to destroy an economy with the same level of prowess as his predecessor.