James and friends. This is a common feature of James' seven years on this planet. Always friends and few of these friends are teddies. James is the only one of my children who will come upstairs to my office, wade his way through the many guitars and talk to me. He might come up to use the bathroom - or, as in this case bring up his teddies (whose names at the time were Oscar and BearBear, but were subject to change depending on the mood). You may have noticed that they are prepared for a 3d movie - but I think they look really cool.
Back to the friends. James has a number of friends, he's a very popular kid. He goes on multiple playdates and has regular sleepovers with his mate Arno. He's so comfortable at Arno's house that I don't think he'd ever come back if we didn't insist on it.
Our little boy is now at big school. It's one lift to school for us. Teachers are no longer referred to by their first names - they are now Miss, Mrs, Ms or Mr. I always judge how a child has settled in by how long it takes them to walk into school on their own. It took a term or two but he's there. In fact I think he was ready long before that - because as soon as he walks into his classroom he'll find one of his class mates to talk to and then you have to beg a goodbye kiss and hug. I suspect that he correctly recognises that his old man could benefit from a little bit of exercise.
He was so excited about going to big school that he wore his grade 0 uniform for a week before school started. This is a simple outfit - a golf shirt and hat. Next year he starts with the real uniform - and then we say goodbye to our little boy and welcome the new big boy.
Seven years have past. And my how he's grown up. He is fiercely eloquent and very able to express himself when he chooses and this is not always in English - I think he has a bit of a talent for languages. However when he chooses not to talk and you are desperately trying to extract some information out of him, it is best to give up. He'll talk by mouthing the words and withdraw into a very committed sulk.
But I think this is a character trait of an extremely creative young man. Give him a box and duct tape and you'll lose him for hours. Throw in pieces of paper and a pencil and he'll come out with a comic book. He takes pride in his ability to build and quite correctly has named himself the most creative builder and drawer in the house.
And then there are the tall tales. Always concluded with seyisslee. They range from black widows in his bed to snakes in the house. Seyisslee! But put on with the straightest face ever. Each tale is more grand than the previous. I think this is why he has such a creative streak - it's because his mind is racing. Much of the stuff comes from Minecraft and Newtube. W will most certainly have to watch his screen addiction in future.
But it's not all sitting on couches and on iPads. He's taken to sports that his brother has shown little interested in. He's doing so well in karate and I hope that he keeps it up. It's not easy and requires discipline but I think James has the ability to go through with it. He's also a great swimmer. Where this comes from I will never know. For now those are his sports. Seeyiyuss (I can't settle on a spelling of this word) school sport only happens in a few years' time.
(And now for a short commercial break - seeyisly)
Our JimJam is a beautiful child. Affectionate and loving and fiercely temperamental. He will sulk if he doesn't get his nightly story. But he is warm and giving and a joy and gives the best hugs ever (known as Dad's special surprise). He is adored by all who know him - especially his family and all the people who live with him.
Happy birthday my seven year old boy. I tried to think of a better title for this post but nothing came, we'll wait for eight for something more witty. I love you for ever and ever.
Then there's always music - James, like his brother, has no interest in my music. But it's MY blog so I'll post what I want.
16 - James Phillips - Do The Lurch -- The Cherry Faced Lurchers
It's a dancing song - might be related to an over indulgence of red wine. One of James Phillips more comical songs. He was a very seeyiss musician. And as I've said before - South Africa needs him now more than ever.
This track is actually a James Gang track. I love Joe Walsh. A wicked sense of humour.
Dankie vir jou my pragitige JimJam. Good luck for next year - it's the beginning of your uniform career which will be with you for the next 12 years.