It's a strange business this BEE business, we all keep our little schlenters to ourselves and leave the rest of the world in the dark. I can assure you dear reader that there are a number of schlenters that I have devised and still use - in spite of SANAS' best intentions to close them off. However, like Makhosi Khoza (note the uppercase and you really should watch her interview on SABC this morning, it's at the end of this post) I cannot keep silent when it comes to qualifying small enterprises under the FSC - more accurately Qualifying Small Financial Institutions (QSFIs). A debate has been raging since bolshie bob published his revised codes as to what scorecard you use.
Perhaps we should see the Financial Sector Code in historical context before I launch forth. The current FSC (gazette number 35914) was gazetted in November 2012. This was during the period that bolshie (the terrible) put his revised codes out for comment. I believe that bolshie's intention was to distract the financial institutions from commenting on the revised codes (not that he would have read them anyway) by giving them their own code. That has to be the reason because why would you gazette a code that is so similar to the codes that you are going to replace? It's a distraction. They were obviously in a hurry because they forgot to gazette a QSE code. bob sent out a notice a year later that QSFI's should
in the interim utilize the Qualifying Small Enterprise scorecard of the Generic Codes of Good Practice for the purpose of measurement of their B-BBEE status.
This notice was a month after the gazetting of the revised codes, but we were still in the interim phase of their application. In addition bob had still not bothered to publish the revised QSE codes (those were published about 18 months later). This notice therefore has to apply to 29617.
The FSC is now almost five years old and for some reason there is still doubt as to what code you should use for QSFIs. This was in spite of the fact that
- The FSC code refers to the old codes for clarity in certain places
- The criteria for being a QSFI are based on turnover between R5m and R35m and designated investments less than R50m
- When the QSFI code was ultimately gazetted then QSFI's could select 5 out of the 8 elements for compliance - a strong feature of the old QSE codes.
- The EME threshold is below R5m
- The score was measured on the old levels - with an 8 being between 30 and 40 points
There is just a complete disconnect between the FSC and the revised QSE codes. Firstly the turnover threshold is between R10m and R50m. Does a QSFI have a choice when they go over R35m to go QSE or FSC generic (I know what I would choose). What about EMEs (exempt micro enterprises) do they make use of the R10m threshold even though their code says that R5m is the threshold. There's a schlenter for you, a lot of FSC EMEs use that threshold, in fact even black-owned QSEs make use of the R50m break. If I am evaluating a client I tend to let those certificates go through - as I'm sure most people do.
Still the debate raged on. This morning my good friends up the road got hold of SANAS who told them to speak to the FSC Council who apparently told them that the revised codes were the ones to use. I got on the phone and spoke to my old friend Busi (who runs that joint). She said that a policy decision was made a while ago - you must use the old (29617) codes for the QSE scorecard. It's up on their website, more specifically here. The relevant paragraph is number 4
The FSC Council has noted that the gazetted Code did not include the details of the QSFI scorecard. As the DTI Codes are being revised, which will mean that the FSC will need to be re-aligned to the revised DTI Codes, it has been agreed that the QSFI scorecard will not be issued at this stage.
All QSFI’s will be measured against the DTI QSE Codes (Code 800 – Code 807) until such time as the FSC has been revised.
For those who have forgotten - code 800 was the QSE code under the old codes.
That's put that to bed then, let's see how long it take awdoz to issue an explanatory note requiring all QSFIs to use the revised QSE code because her opinion is neither legal nor binding.
A little bit on this interview below. This is Makhosi telling the SABC viewing public how corrupt zuma and the anc are. This is a mere six months after hlaudi was booted out. That's progress I tell you