Bloody Sparrow. She should have just kept her mouth shut, they can't prosecute you for thoughts (well not yet, although I did hear of a certain Cape judge who claimed that his tea was served to him in a racist way). All that's happened is that the ANC is now going to use racism as their electioneering differentiator. Poor ANC, Khumalo really fucked that up for them as well because he (and a proud ANC supporter too) wants to gas all the white people. I wonder if he asked Eskom whether they have enough power to do this. Here you have a black person who is also racist. But there is no ways that any political party other than the Freedom Y Front plus will campaign on this basis. The ANC, following or followed by the EFF are going to level harsh criticism at corporate South Africa for being fundamentally racist and not transforming. This in a year where business is going to batten down the hatches and prepare for more idioticisms coming from Zoomer's mouth. Every time our unrepentant moron of a president (what he presides over is still a mystery) opens his mouth the economy takes a bigger tumble, you need to build that into your business plan as well.
This will be the tone of political conversation for the next six months. Add in the fact that Rob's revised codes are going to raise their ugly head at some stage this year and you have a recipe for racist behaviour. Corporates will argue, well after the horse has bolted, that these codes are impossible to implement and that they are undoing the progress made thus far. This will play into the EFF and ANC's hands. The evil capitalists will be blamed for the ANC's woes and their insistence on pursuing this anti-transformational agenda requires radical economic transformation. Pravin will keep quiet even though he knows that this constituency provides him with the dwindling tax revenue that is needed to keep Zoomer's buddies in employment.
We're over a barrel here. Our best intentions just won't be good enough, it will be a bloodbath. But we will survive it, what we don't want is for Zoomer to survive it. That he is ignorant is a moot point, what we are now discovering is that he a belligerent ignorant. Our economy will struggle to work its way around this belligerence.
Pravin is not going to wake up and repeal Rob's codes. I would be surprised if Treasury hasn't informed him that they are a problem. Treasury hasn't amended their PPPFA regulations either, section 10 (1) of the regulations still refers to EMEs as turning over less than R5m. If we want to effect transformation then we need to do it in an equitable manner. Exempting not insignificant-sized companies from BEE because they are black owned and then lumbering the balance of the companies with the onerous requirements that cannot be complied with is not the solution. Corporate South Africa needs to grow fuck you balls and stand up to the ANC with proper solutions, not acquiescing to delusions delivered by some Zoomer patsy who is not paid for his or her capabilities but for their loyalty.
We wait and see.