Maladministration is a long-time reader of this writty. He's sort of faded off the radar but he knows a person or two. He responded to my weekend post
Rob has a bigger problem. 3(2) is potentially meaningless to the objective he wants to achieve.
All empowerment licensing regimes of which I know have specific BEE criteria either hard-coded into the primary legislation (MPRDA being a case in point) or hard-coded into regulations (Sea Fisheries). In the case of the former, the BEE requirements for licensing are specifically dealt with in the MPRDA. Hence, section 3(2) does not trump the MPRDA as the BEE requirements for licensing are not specifically dealt with in the BBBEE Act and are, at best, generally dealt with in the BBBEE Act. Where the BEE licensing requirements are dealt with in regulations associated with another piece of primary legislation, the same should apply, although I can see a bit more scope here for debate - a crack in the door, at most.
Moreover, the MPRDA has a different empowerment objective specifically dealt with in the MPRDA with its own beneficiary class which is wider than that in the BBBEE Act. No trumping here, regardless of all the noise these guys make. All this pretence that he has jurisdiction over the MPRDA is demeaning of his own intelligence, let alone ours.
When asked whether he thought Rob Davies was strong like Mother Russia
That ministry is up to no good. Stuffing up international investment and trade with reckless abandon. Not just AGOA, see BITs, SADC Protocol, Protection of Investment Bill and the new SADC EPA Agreement with the EU which will be signed by October 2016. Under cover of darkness, Rob is turning us into Albania circa 1974. BEE is their sideshow...
Albania, now there is a communist country I hadn't considered. Thank you for your input Maladministration