Has the Treasury been captured by the black business lobby? Has it bowed before the powerful wind of racial nationalism sweeping through the ruling party and its communist and trade union allies?
If so, will the Reserve Bank be the next domino to fall?
Until now, the Treasury, like the Reserve Bank, has been a bulwark against some of the more reckless tendencies in the government.
But new draft regulations allowing government tenders worth less than R10-million to be evaluated up to 50% on racial and other empowerment criteria and only 50% on price, suggest it is no longer able or willing to resist the racial agenda being pursued by President Jacob Zuma’s allegedly directionless government.
That the Treasury should be willing to incur these higher costs when it is supposed to be keeping government spending under control also suggests the commitment of the ANC to racial ideology is as relentless as that of the National Party (NP).
Tougher black economic empowerment (BEE) requirements were recently put on the statute book, along with tougher employment equity demands.
via www.rdm.co.za
The term I have used in the past is Zungurisation. The term is possibly unfair but Mr Zungu has been pushing for this. I haven't seen these proposed changes. There is little doubt that this proposal will not work constitutionally but this has never stopped those who insist on pushing it through. Logic would suggest that an almost broke fisc would never go for this. But they will, they will push it through and then we are in a whole heap of trouble. Not that they care, and why on earth should we?