Chief director of the Department of Trade and Industry Takalani Tambani said the idea behind the change was to ensure that ownership by black individuals was given greater priority by the business community.
"The message is government views the ownership as important to transform the economy. For us to effectively do that, we want to see black people participating meaningfully in the core of the economy.
"Passive shareholding will not be able to transform this economy. Passive shareholders are not the real drivers of the business," he said.
Mr Tambani also downplayed the effect the new measure would have on the scorecards of businesses, saying it was not a major change from the way broad-based ownership was measured in the past.
But Mr Balshaw said it had never been the interpretation of law firms advising on multibillion-rand empowerment deals that broad-based ownership was not real ownership.
The question is, can you just change an established empowerment practice with a casual paragraph. If Takalani is correct here then this is a serious amendment and must be clarified. He says it's going to make no difference - how is it going to make no difference. My money's on the fact that he himself doesn't know. Rather reflective of the standard of skill at the dti.
Don't expect any other explanation