Those poor volunteers handing out pamphlets on the corner of the William Nicol and Republic (in Johannesburg). I did not take a pamphlet but my mate Chris did. I would imagine that these somewhat deluded campaigners could count the number of comments from passersby that didn't refer to Nkandla on one hand. I thought I'd help the ANC with their campaign logo. I think it's a little more apt and does talk to their eternal toilet fascination.
You'll notice that there is no visage of our (pure as the driven donkey-cart) dear Zoomer. I would imagine that his image would piss off most urban voters. The rural people, specifically those in KZN, but not Nkandla, are maybe a little more receptive to that smug, Angizwa/Angazi grin.
It's not this blog's business to comment on Thuli's Nkandla report. But I will say that this paragraph reinforces the notion that Zuma is a complete buffoon and continues to portray himself as such.
(Madonsela let) Zuma off the hook on the complaint that he misled Parliament by saying his family paid for the buildings in Nkandla, not the state. Zuma forgot to mention the visitor's centre, also a building but paid for by the state.
"I have accepted the evidence that he addressed Parliament in good faith and was not thinking about the visitor's centre but his family dwellings when he made the statement,"
This reminds me of a job interview I had years ago where I asked the prospective employer whether he had medical aid. He responded affirmatively, yet the package they offered me did not include medical aid. I realised afterwards that he had chosen to interpret the question as whether he had medical aid. A more reasonable employer woud have interpreted the question as whether the company offers a medical aid.
If our president can be let off on a technicality where the public protector gives him the benefit of doubt when it comes to interpretation of the words "family dwelling" then he is too GODDAMN THICK to run this country. Surely this is overwhelming evidence of this.
A bungling buffoon at our expense.
The ANC under Zuma does more than move my bowels, they make me sick.