The ANC has accused businessman Kenny Kunene of using cheap publicity stunts to further his "questionable" political ambitions by hurling insults at ANC leaders.
"It has now become clear that we are dealing with an individual of dubious character, with no political mores or basic decency, intent to harm the African National Congress [ANC] and its leadership with impunity," ANC spokesperson Jackson Mthembu said in a statement on Tuesday night.
Who'd have thought that such a dubious character would become the darling of those who thing Zuma is a complete fucking waste of time, chronically embarrassing and less competent than a child with a grade 4 (standard 2 in my day). For those who aren't convinced let's go through a few persuasive arguments.
- Does anyone remember one Abbey Makoe who was the chairman of the Forum of Black Journalists who invited our fucking useless president (who wasn't a fucking useless president at the time) to address them. White journalists were evicted from the meeting, on the basis of race and Zoomer was quoted as saying he saw nothing wrong with this. I blogged about this back then.
- Children out of wedlock. This is just embarrassing for the country. I'm not going to talk about his numerous wives - he's entitled to this under his culture.
- Lack of leadership
- Employing the most incompetent ministers pretty much across the board
- Not appointing permanent people to prominent positions
- Guptas
- Nkandla
- Guptas
- Family enrichment
- Yet again not appointing people in the right positions
- Not firing useless ministers for incompetence
- Guptas
- Another child out of wedlock
- Secrecy Bill
- Marikana
- Letting Malema off his leash
- Angie Motshekga (who apparently is performing fantastically)
- Having a fucking standard three and thinking he can run the country. He can't even balance his own bank account for fuck's sake.
- Having no idea about what goes on in his country. It's a stock standard response in parliament
- Dina Pule
- Rob Davies
- Tina Joemat- Petterson
- Arms deal
- Schabir Shaik
- Another 354 things that I can't remember
This is not a polite post, I didn't intend it to be. I have had enough of Jacob Zuma, as I am sure many South Africans have. I agree with those who think that a person has to earn respect. At the outset Zuma has made no attempt to earn the respect of anyone other than those in his inner circle - and so I post this as a sign of total disrespect and humbly beseech the ANC to get rid of this moron and provide us with someone that we actually can respect and take pride in.