It is perhaps significant that neither race nor gender is mentioned by Parliament. The quest for a nonracial and nonsexist order in South Africa calls for a transformation of mindset, not a counting of chromosomes and measuring melanin cells. Perpetuating racism and sexism in the JSC’s processes is not what the law intends.
Such a pertinent concluding paragraph. Hoffman refers to the Manyist definition of black earlier in the article. It seems that HF Verwoerd's legacy is a huge inspiration for our ANC legislators. Who'd have thought that the architect of apartheid has become the darling of the formerly oppressed.
Some commissioners interpret this to mean that when the judiciary is 5% white men, 5% white women and 45% black men, with 45% black women making up the numbers (let us leave out the odious race classifications that should have died with apartheid but linger on like a bad smell), a nonracial and nonsexist judiciary will be achieved. On this interpretation, the words "broadly" and "must be considered" are given a strangled meaning that leads to an outcome that would make Hendrik Verwoerd and all other social engineers proud.
I think the thing that would have impressed Verwoerd the most is that the man who is in charge of creating the most racist policy since the Group Areas Act is in fact white. He would have loved to have a strong black anti-black activist.