If the President is good at his job and ensures that textbooks are delivered on time and that houses are built and services delivered; if he does not enrich himself or turn a blind eye when his family members and cronies become corrupt; if he demonstrates respect for himself and for the people of South Africa by acting tirelessly to solve our problems instead of solving his own family housing crisis, then all good citizens would respect the President of the country — no matter which party he leads. Decent South Africans would then also be entitled to judge those harshly who fail to respect a President who acts as a true servant of the people. But that is entirely different from demanding that legislation be drafted to protect the President’s dignity.
After all, respect is earned. One cannot legislate it into existence.
via constitutionallyspeaking.co.za
There is a reason why Brett Murray painted the Spear and what Zapiro and almost every other satirist takes the piss out of Zoomer; he deserves it. No one would dare insult an icon like Mandela and Mbeki was left alone - although there were times when he really needed to be reminded of his fallibility.
Zoomer on the other hand has not earned any respect and as such must be derided as president.
Thanks for explaining this in terms of the Constitution prof.