It's hard to believe that a year has passed since James decided to join our family. I struggle to believe that he's now one year old, he's such an established part of my life that I can barely remember what it was like when we were just three people.
One of our concerns was how his elder brother would take to him. We should never have worried, James looks up to Oliver and Oliver has taken the responsibility of being the elder brother very seriously. We really believe that James calls for Oliver in Jamespeak – something like AHVA. I had forgotten how busy a crawling baby can keep you. He is so quick at getting around the house that you lose him, "where's James" is a common exclamation in the house. The chances are he's approaching the most dangerous staircase in Joburg which is probably nowhere near where we live. He's also had his fair share of falls and bangs and has shrugged them off and learned from the experience. And then there is the laugh………
When James giggles it sends the whole house into hysterics, most of the time this is because his brother is egging him on (something to look out for when these two are in highschool). He's about two steps away from walking and then the real exercise starts.
Well James, it's been a fantastic year. You've slotted into this family so perfectly and established your position quite firmly. We love you very much and now we start preparing ourselves for the terrible twos in a year's time.
Let's not stray from tradition. James' nominated musician is James Phillips whose music should be on the lips of every South African (just as Rodriguez is). This track was taken off his Sunny Skies album which was a political statement against the apartheid government – it's tragic that this song is still relevant under the ANC government.
02 - James Phillips - (Sing No More) Lovesongs
And another James track. Perhaps a little obvious but a beautiful track nevertheless
Sweet Baby James - 01 - Sweet Baby James - 2.53
Happy birthday JimJam from your Mom, Dad, Oliver, Thuli and Shona. We love you very much