The consequence for multinationals is that they are unable to maintain a competitive BEE score. Multinational companies that generally import their products and services contribute a lot more to South Africa than just their products and services. Multinationals employ more than 200 000 South Africans. Disincentivising multinationals to continue to do business in South Africa because they are unable to meet unrealistic BEE targets would be counterproductive.
Written by Janine Appelgryn. She's only talking about procurement and the ridiculousness of excluding imports. It's well written.
I wonder what kind of phone Rob uses when he has to defend his shocking policies. Do you think it's an iPhiliso that is manufactured in the Eastern Cape. Does he use an IBMbeki laptop and make use of Windlamini software when he chooses to work on his speeches.
The car he drives is probably a MazdaMocratic (manufactured in Limpopo) which he only fills up with SASOL. He can't fly because the local Boeing factory hasn't been conceived of yet. And thank goodness he has no dress sense because otherwise he'd have to wear Italian shoes, wear suits from Saville Row and shirts from China. You see you can live without imports.