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October 08, 2012


Desmond Makiti

But then again who exactly are the black business class. The general argument about the economy not moving in the correct direction, not creating the necessary employment growth is that the micro and macro economic policies of SA inhibit the development and growhth of small-medium business, in other words there is a very small SMME business enviroment, let alone a black business class. If this runs correct these votes of black business that are mentioned, are they sufficiently enough to change or influence the course of direction within the ANC. As always said that business within the ANC is about patronage, not preference over other white business's. So if whatever black business within the ANC is not to be advantaged a lot more than they are now, purely being a card carry member or one of Zuma's nephews, how is this black business friendly attitude for the votes. Is there even enough black business? If the BMF and BBC together could not change the course of Transet and PRASA capital expenditure project and how procurement is completed, even after much attempt and fanfare (Zungu being head of the latter), how is black business able to single handely shape the Codes to such an extent as alluded by your reader. Yes these Codes are black business friendly, I thought BBBEE in one its objective is black people and business friendly. The ANC have a bigger problem at the moment than the general elections of 2014 and that is Mangaung. If the politics of the ANC are appreciated you will know this, towards an elective conference governement stops thinking beyond the conference because you just might not be around after the conference. Hint: Look how much is going on in the country and yet all that concerns the ANC is the nomination lists. In the NW there has been 8 other deaths related to the Mine strikes, the economy is potentially being hit hard by the strikes in the transport and potentially the rail and port. The Codes yes have question marks, grey areas, they could do with more assessment and analysis of the achievements to date, but also an imperfect situation at times requires change. Purely as there is section 9 in the Constitution and Section 2 of the BOR right, there will always be a requirement for redress, questions is how? For now its BBBEE.

Richard Ferrer

I think that the most important question to ask is this: "Is the Minister and his advisers intelligent on business and BEE matters or are they stupid?" If the former then there is probably a longer term strategy to move BEE codes from voluntary to complusary. If the latter then take shelter in prayer, emigration or something else from which to gain your happiness.

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