Grant Thornton head of BEE verification Tony Balshaw told Engineering News Online that the intention to revise the codes raised some concerns. “The codes are supposed to have a shelf life of ten years, and then it should have a substantial review. But is this still needed?
“It seems politically expedient to change the codes and to rectify certain things in the codes, when the technical problems have not been addressed. There are about 100 errors in the original codes,” he said.
Tony's point is relevant. The codes should have been robust enough to last the ten years. However Rob has the right to repeal, re-issue or amend codes in terms of paragraph 12 of code 000, statement 000.
There are so many issues at play here. The most significant one is that South Africa is blessed with a completely incompetent government. A government that doesn't govern. Also their cadre deployment policy requires them to place useless people into high paying jobs. When there are no more jobs they pass more useless legislation that will require more people to monitor and police compliance. A simle example is the DTI's own BEE division that employs people who either don't know what they are doing or are too scared to do what they should be doing.
Don't believe Rob's propaganderous
The revised broad-based black economic-empowerment (BBBEE) codes, which Cabinet last week approved, would accelerate the implementation of BEE and broaden the effects of empowerment
This is his justification for cadre deployment and is a clear indication that both him and the government (by implication the ANC) are no longer in control. It will certainly not accelerate anything other than BEE's ultimate demise. Then again it might accelerate showerhead and his useless cabinet's exit.