The Dti is in the process of refining the BBBEE Codes of Good Practice and have made the following ruling regarding the 6 - 10 year BEE Targets on Preferential Procurement and Empolyment Equity...
"the dti is in the process of refining the Codes of Good Practice on B-BBEE and therefore the 0-5 year targets will be applied until the process of refining the codes is finalised and gazetted.
In light of the aforementioned, the dti will withdraw the notice to eliminate the confusion in the market regarding the implementation of the 6-10 targets and provide further guidance on the measurement date."
My sources tell me that the old notice does apply but that the DTI (with very ABle help) are going to send out a notice that reads in proper English.
Apparently the advisers on this are going to let the DTI know (gently) that NO ONE ENDS THEIR FINANCIAL YEAR ON THE 9th OF FEBRUARY!!!
Ay the dti....never a dull moment!
Posted by: Zainab | May 15, 2012 at 01:16 PM