And they came to me (thank you to the person who sent them to me). This is a presentation that really forms a wishlist - the term they use is "proposed". I think they are racist and give a legal framework to the concept of "degrees of blackness". They do this under the guise of EAP (economically active population). The presentation has jungle jim's stamp all over it (for those of you who don't know who jungle jim is, this might give you an idea of who he is and what he represents). Where does this racism go to next? Watch this space it's going to take on a tribal hue if we don't nip it in the bud.
Anyway - the good news is that it is a wishlist and not open for comment or anything. Please don't let this blog be the only piece of cyber real estate that voices its concern - take it to the boardrooms of South Africa.
Here is the presentation in all its glory (believe me I am writing with a very heavy heart).