From 9th February 2012 compliance targets for Employment Equity and Preferential Procurement significantly increase.
Employment Equity and Preferential Procurement elements of both the qualifying small enterprises (i.e. enterprises with a turnover of between R5 and R35 million per annum as per the generic scorecard) and generic enterprises (i.e. enterprises with a turnover of over R35 million per annum) will be affected.
“This means that if your business is not already meeting and exceeding the increased targets, your organisation will lose points in these elements. This will result in a decreased BEE Rating for next year, which could have a significant impact on your bottom line,” explains Siyakha Consulting’s executive director Dionne Kerr.
“When looking at the increased targets, you need to know if you are putting the necessary interventions in place to ensure that you remain at your existing rating level, or to improve your score on these elements,” she adds.
NOW HERE IS AN EXPERT. What she doesn't know about arithmetic she certainly knows about BEE. I, however disagree with her.