a taxpayers’ revolt may be the next crucial development in SA’s politics, followed by a seismic split in black politics
Stanley Uys is correct in this assessment. The next revolution is not going to be fought with guns - it's going to be an economic revolt. We've already seen the beginning of this with rates boycotts in Brits and other municipalities.
A tax payers revolt is something we perhaps like to talk about, especially in the light of very poor delivery, but how to put it into practice is the difficult part. Income tax is mostly collected through PAYE deductions and the person who issues the instruction to with hold payment to SARS is guilty of a criminal offence. Likewise with holding VAT payments. If there was a tax revolt its all too easy to single out a few people for arrest, and in this country thats very high risk.
Its at a municipal level that a tax revolt could be done but that mostly misses the target.
Posted by: Richard Ferrer | October 14, 2011 at 10:46 AM