The execution of Black Empowerment Act, or Transformation of Economic and Social Empowerment Framework (TESEF), as the legislation is formally called, is yet to take place since Cabinet asked Prime Minister Nahas Angula to spearhead wide consultations and ensure that the legislation embodies all existing laws. Nevertheless, the ruling party’s politburo also slowed down the implementation by asking additional time to make input.
Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry be moans the slothful pace of implementation, saying as of now so much is said regarding TESEF but TESEF is merely legislation on paper.
“Government is too slow to come up with a [BEE] framework,” says NCCI. The chamber emphasises that it is not propagating legislation to enrich a few of the elite of the country and politically-connected by broad-based economic empowerment but for legislation to benefit “every Namibian direct or indirectly.
Don't worry Namibia - it was pretty much the same with us. When they eventually did publish the codes they were so full of mathematical and grammatical errors that it took us two years to decipher them.