My last dashboard post mentioned that I will try to cuss less on the blog. However I did get two comments suggesting that it is not as offensive as I may have thought. Thanks for your comments - I do agree with Richard that it is more of a cry of passion than gratuitous swearing (which I am very adept at). Nevertheless I will try to cut back on it and like Paddington Bear, save it for very special occasions.
I got a call from Mzwandile Jacks the other day asking me what I thought of the BEE Council criminalising fronting. My response was similar to any other person - if you can prove fraud then it is already a crime.
In case you don't know what fronting is - it's not actually defined in the codes but in an annexure published a little later. The definition is
Fronting means a deliberate circumvention or attempted circumvention of the B-BBEE Act and the Codes. Fronting commonly involves reliance on data or claims of compliance based on misrepresentations of facts, whether made by the party claiming compliance or by any other person.
It then goes into a semi-academic analysis of the various instances that fronting should occur. There are two potential consequences to fronting (according to the code)
- the dti may completely disregard/suspend a measured entity’s B-BBEE scorecard until such time that the entity takes corrective action
- the dti will keep a database of all companies found to be engaged in fronting once all the necessary processes are completed
What must always be borne in mind is that fronting is "circumvention or attempted circumvention of the B-BBEE Act and the Codes". In other words the very dodgy practices of many mining licence holders cannot ever be viewed as fronting.
What an upsetting thought - I am still disgusted at Sandile Zungu and the ICT mining licence appropriation (he's not alone in this but he is a member of the BEE Council so he is going to take all the flack he deserves). This activity could not ever be viewed as fronting - but if we are able to prove that the activity was fraudulent and induced ArcelorMittal to award the shareholding to the Ayigobi consortium, then we are onto something.
Perhaps the DMR will consider extending this fronting definition to their own act - after all a company that has no mining history that is awarded a licence under dubious conditions, who then attempts to sell (read extort) that licence to a proper mining company is fronting. They are deliberately attempting to circumvent the intention and spirit of the MRPDA.
And as a final note - I hereby (in my capacity as a disgusted citizen) call on Jacob Zuma to remove Sandile Zungu from the BEE Advisory Council. Feel free to join me in this crusade.