An urban legend has been told about a certain Japanese hotel that decided to get with the Christmas spirit
A few Decembers ago a Japanese department store, desperate to appear westernised and with-it, mounted an extravagant Christmas display, featuring a life-sized Santa Claus, crucified upon a cross. The Economist. "Santa Christ." 25 December 1993 (p. 77).
A similar "cross-cultural" mishap can be found in a tender document advertised by Amatola Water acting as implementing agent on behalf of Joe Gqabi District Municipality. It's a bog standard (pun intended) tender/bid invitation that tells us it's a 90/10 bid. Check the tender conditions - especially the first two
- Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) principles shall apply, whereby submissions will be evaluated accordingly to the provisions of the Act.
- Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Status will be scored in accordance with the DTI Codes of Good Practice and bidders must submit their valid B-BBEE verification certificate, as issued by a SANAS accredited verification agency,with their tender, in order to be eligible for B-BBEE points.
- The following evaluation criteria will be applied: Price 70 points, Quality 20 points and B-BBEE 10 points.
Now for those of you who are well versed with the PPPFA - you will know that the 2001 regulations govern the PPPFA. You'll also know that the draft regulations from last year do advocate scorecards - but they are just that, draft.
And this is where I get confused. This tender clearly states that the PPPFA applies. Then they state that BEE scorecards will be used to determine the preference points. My real confusion comes in the pricing regime - the old regulations state that R500k is the cut off point between the 20 and 10 points. The draft regulations state the R1million is the cut off.
Which one is it?
If you are interested in bidding for this then what I would do is submit a bid and when you aren't awarded to you you can take poor Amatole Water to court for contravention of the PPPFA.
Someone should tell either Ms P. Granger (Tel: (043) 707 3772 | Fax: (043) 707 3770 | E-mail: [email protected]) or Amatole Water's CEO - N. Mnukwa that they are courting disaster.