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February 01, 2010


Brigitte Brun

Hi Paul, may I ask where those 500 000 companies were before the 1st February 2010 and why they have not been applying for a verification of their BEE status over the psat 3 years? Where is this load?

Please note again that my email address has changed, please could you change it on your system as I would hate to miss future blogs.
Kind regards


Good question. Paul?

As an aside and a quite separate point: how about a little less pessimism Paul. BBBEE may not be what we need it to be but it isn't the catastrophe you seem to suggest it is. A few more helpful suggestions; a winning case study or two? Of course if you don't believe there are any......but then what are you doing in the field?

Paul Janisch

Thanks for the comments.
Mark - I appreciate your call for less pessimism and I'll try. To justify my pessimism would involve a litany of buts. I'll look for more positives in my posts from now on. And why I do this job - there are two reasons.
i) I believe that it can facilitate the necessary changes to see this country in the next 10 years. However I do not think that the people implementing and governing it are doing it the correct way. And most importantly - the one entity that should be making a difference - the government is doing very little to achieve this.
ii) I completely enjoy assisting my clients in making this system work for them.

Brigitte - my stats are a little old so I think I could be a bit off the mark (no pun at all) with 500k. The latest CIPRO stats (http://www.cipro.co.za//about_us/Web_Statistics_Version4.pdf) tell us that there are 1,854,704 active entities - ranging from CCs to co-ops. If one assumes that 70% are EMEs then the figure is 556,411 who must be QSEs and above. If 80% are EMEs then the figure is 370,941. Whatever the figure is, it is a far higher than anything any of the accredited verification agencies have ever had to deal with.
As far as who was doing them - it must have been unaccredited agencies, consultancies, legal firms, accounting firms, self assessments etc. With the PPPFA and scorecards becoming more of a reality these companies are going to have to start getting the necessary verification from companies like yourself.


Look forward to reading and interacting in the future. Thanks.

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