I chose Typepad as the my blog host simply because Fred Wilson was using it at the time and I figured that if Fred was using it then it had to be good. The Typepad service I use costs me about $70/year but I get a mountain of additional functionality that I suspect most other free blogging service providers don't give you. I'll go through some of them
RSS feed
I receive updates both through Google reader (which I cannot cope without) and Feedblitz email updates. The easiest way to receive it using the reader is to go into your reader and click on the add subscription tab and copy this url into it
It will automatically add it to your reader
Email updates
There is an email update box at the top right hand side of the blog where you can subscribe. I use Feedblitz to manage this.
I have about 100 regular subscribers and I know that if I get a little
more contentious then it gets circulated wildly - jungle jim seems to
be a popular topic.
Searching the blog
One of the widgets that Typepad provides is the Blogbar search facility. I have moved the Blogbar to the top of the page.
It is a very useful feature and should provide you with most of the BEE information you are looking for - if you don't find it write me something in the Comments section below each post and I'll be sure to find it for you and post something on it.