Sorry Kevin - that is a terrible pun. Kevin Lester has decided to pursue a more strenuous existence in the corporate world. Our collective loss is definitely his new employer's gain. I did speak to him about it a few weeks ago and he has told me that I can channel his (if I may) brilliance through this blog.
This is Kevin's farewell note
To my colleagues and friends in the BEE industry
After seven years of BEE consulting, I am returning to my lawyering roots and will commence employment in the legal department of Anglo American effective 1 February 2010.
My BEE journey has been an interesting and stimulating one. I have enjoyed my interactions with you and want to take this opportunity to wish you well in the years ahead. May you prosper and realise the objectives of BEE through your clients and in your own businesses.
I have committed to the NABC executive to remain involved with them for at least another few months, specifically pursuing the objective of unity within and professionalization of the BEE industry. I have communicated a similar message to a number of the Abva directors.It has been an honour to work with you all.
There is an incredible amount that can be said about Kevin - and almost all of it is true. I remember hearing about him six years ago from many sources and to many of the biggest corporates operating in South Africa he is "Mr BEE". The thing that struck me the most about him was that he was so approachable - you'd expect a partner at a law firm to be an opinionated arrogant moron. Kevin is anything but. And then you add in his incredible knowledge and generosity in sharing it.
Thank you Kevin from me for all that you've done to help me over the last six years and please do not think for a second that I won't be bothering you in future.