I was looking through my predictions for 2009 and have to (humbly) confess that the Nostradamus way is not my calling.
- The FSC is probably going nowhere
- A bunch of charters made section 9 gazetting
- BEE scorecards have become necessary tools in doing business but are not a competitive advantage. It seems that each industry has a certain standard and if you don't meet that standard then you are at a disadvantage
- Treasury actually published updated regulations for the PPPFA and they included scorecards
- Verification agencies were accredited and before the elections too
- Can't say whether Empowerdex lost their market share to NERA – but they do seem to have lost the empowerdex.com domain
Now onto to 2009. It was one hell of a year for BEE as a policy. This is what I think were the most significant events
- Accreditation of verification agencies
I never thought this would happen. But it did and it looks as though a few more will make the cut too. I've prepared a spreadsheet that explains how much work verification agencies have on their hands in the next few years. I was fiddling around on a VERY FAMOUS verification agency's website and they proclaimed that to date they had done about 2000 certificates since they started. I have news for you VERY FAMOUS verification agency, you are going to have to do about 6,494 (I like to keep my speculative figures precise) next year. This is about 26 per day. If you'd like to check my figures - please do.
As a little postscript I have been very hard on the old VAs (but not hard enough on ABVAngelis) – I have just completed a list of procedures for a VA hoping to get through SANAS. This is a lot of work and a very expensive process. I expect I'll be doing a lot more of that next year.
- Rob Davies taking over the trade and industry ministry
This was a weird one. It seemed that Rob wasn't that interested in BEE and that he inherited a mess from Mandisi. I stand by what I have said about Rob, I think he's pushing for compliance over transformation, hoping that compliance will lead to transformation.
- Section 9 Charters
There were a bunch. Some gazetted by Mandisi and others by Rob.
- New PPPFA regulations
A bold move, even if they are in draft form. I'm not going to speculate as to when the final document gets published.
- NABC starts making a noise
The National Association of BEE Consultants. This is a total waste of time. As much as I dislike ABVA, at least they are organised. The NABC has no common agenda and lacks unified leadership. I cannot see how they are going to add any value to anything ever (oops there I go wearing my Nostradamus hat again)
- BEE advisory council
Good move Zumachine Gun. Let's see what they do in 2010.
- Expected demise of the FSC
The FSC seems to be dead in the water (on this subject the drafter of the new FSC annual report pinched almost everyone of my ideas from last year – don't they say imitation is the greatest form of flattery. It would have been nice to see a document that stuck to the actual tender requirements).
Good luck for 2010 – I am hoping to fulfil the Charlie Christian mantra throughout the year with each client (it is said that Charlie would play guitar if he got all three, but he was known to settle for two out of three)
- Learn something new
- Get paid
- Have fun
And on the subject of fun – can anyone spell AC/DC.
Feel free to add your highlights in the comments section.