Caird follows a very strict implementation methodology on all our engagements.
This is a singularly vital aspect in any consultation. Without a firm understanding of a company's internal and external workings it is not possible to develop any working BEE solutions. Often the codes' requirements cannot and will not fit into a client's business environment – and it is only with a complete understanding of the client's business that a working empowerment solution can be developed.
Know the industry that the client operates inA simple requirement that is too often overlooked. Caird does not subscribe to the notion that more BEE points means more business but we firmly believe that every company must operate within the industry points' average. Caird conducts a comprehensive analysis for benchmarking purposes. We then plan our consultation to meeting this average in the shortest amount of time.
Ensure that all the correct people are involved in the processIn smaller companies this is generally an easier process because it is typically the CEO who manages the process. In larger companies there are many more people that are involved in the process – this ranges from ExCo through to sales people. Once we start implementing our balanced scorecard measurement process we are able to include almost every person in the organisation in the process.
Conduct a thorough as-is assessmentWhen reading a map there is no way you will ever get to your destination unless you know where you are at the moment. The as-is assessment shows where the company sits on the scorecard – both intentionally and un-intentionally (in other words points were found in the organisation that were a happy accident). It is not advisable to use the last verification certificate as a benchmark as things change and the same score might not be achieved in the next assessment.
Establish what the client would like to achieve on the scorecard and manage these expectationsTransformation is like a diet – it can take years of dedication to the programme to achieve the desired results. A client may want an incredibly high score that is not achievable in the short term. It is our job to ensure that we set realistic targets at the outset. We may work with the verification agency at a very early stage to ensure that whatever we do will be acceptable to them.
Look for points within the company firstIt is amazing how many consultants fail to observe this point. We have seen companies spend hundreds of thousands on enterprise development without knowing that the points that they have just bought could be found within the company.
Bring in additional expertiseCaird expertise lies in BEE compliance. We have a broad knowledge of all the elements in all the scorecards. In some circumstances it is necessary to supplement this with legal, financial, HR etc experts. We have a network of experts that we draw on where necessary.
Implement a transformation balanced scorecardThis scorecard here refers to Kaplan and Norton's balanced scorecard. The Kaplan and Norton scorecard ties up business goals with an individual's key performance areas (KPAs) and links their performance to the overall goals of the company. In this way every person in the organisation knows what their involvement is in the overall transformation process.
Be part of the verification process
Caird comiles a logical verification file that makes it easy for the verification agency to perform the assessment in the shortest possible time. If there are any outstanding issues we take care of them and report back to the client. We analyse the preliminary assessment to make sure that it is accurate and correct all mistakes with the verification agency.