I have just been sent the new Construction Code (Gazette No. 32305). At first glance it looks quite similar to the 9(5) gazetted charter. I cannot pretend to be even slightly impressed with this document - it has tried to fill in the gaps that the codes have left open but it is too pie-in-the sky. An example is the enterprise development element.
1) A relationship agreement of co-operation and assistance has to be in place between the established organisation and beneficiary.
2) The established organisation may not have an equity holding larger than 20% in the beneficiary
3) The beneficiary that can qualify for enterprise development must:
i) Be a legal entity compliant with SA revenue requirements:
ii) Be an employer of at least three other permanently employed personnel and not merely a one person operation with temporary employees
iii) Must be 50% or more black owned or 30% or more black-women owned
Take a look at those requirements in bold - fucking ridiculous if you ask me. The upshot is that there is now no incentive to provide any assistance to any small or emerging company. You can pay them on 30 days because no points are awarded for prompt payment. How the hell is this going to benefit the smaller guy?
I think this is more Mandisi shenanigan-eering - nice legacy erstwhile DTI-guy!
Oy fokken vey. Anyway if you want to look at it, it's here.