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February 03, 2008


Weber Gerhard

Dear Paul,
I agree 100% with your report. We are a German company which manufacturers products, used in coal power stations. Our competitors supply to a subsidiary in South Africa, they again supply to a Black woman owned company, from there it goes to Eskom.
We could supply directly with surley 25% lower prices - but there is no chance for us in the direct way. We are on your list at the top !
So we have to look for a black woman owned company which has some contacts with Escom already.
May be you can recommend us any company.
Even if we are against such a way of selling we have to go it. Otherwise we do not get any of the business.
My correct e-mail is www.heko.com but it was not accepted by your system

best regards

Alan Beattie

Small SMME's like me have been unfairly targeted and discriminated against, because it is not set up to support the very people they say they want to help. Even within their BEE structure there is wide unfair practices taking place. Once they have forced you to take on a black partner, they are not interested in helping you to become successful in any way,that is why the policy has failed. Ask me I know. It is a total in -
fringement on my Human Rights and the freedom to do bussines with whom I want to.

Norman Manclark

We are a Level 2 BBBEE company who has several contracts with Eskom Stations. One contract in particular requires us to spend 5% of contract value with Black Women owned companies. We have been for nearly 2 years trying to find even one company who could be of use to us, but without success. If we do not conform, we will be penalised. We even asked Eskom to give us a list of approved BWO companies but they were unable to do so.

Paul Janisch

Does the contract specify what type of procurement it has to be. In other words can you spend it on anything - like cleaning etc. If you are allowed to do it on non-core activities then it might be easier to find those companies. The activity might not even relate to the actual contracted service - but you could argue that because of the Eskom contract you were able to source BWOs for those activities. This would then allow you to source traditionally BWO services like cleaning, security etc

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