Business Day announced this morning that the Property Charter was gazetted last Friday. This must be very secretive because I cannot find the gazetted charter - the last one I saw was this one. It wasn't on the dti's site this morning and this evening the dti's website appears to be AWOL. I can't say whether it made a section 9 or 12 gazetting. The last draft is very similar to the December 2005 codes, so perhaps it is a section 12.
This gazetting comes simultaneously with jungle jim's "shock" announcement that all charters should be ditched for the generic codes of good practice. Can you imagine the Financial Sector Charter being tossed - I know most of the people on that council and they have put in many years' work to get it to where it is now.
To a certain extent I swing from the same tree as jungle jim. I have seen some charters that have allied themselves so closely to the codes that they shouldn't have bothered. But I can't see how the FSC will achieve it's targets under the codes.