I received an email from Sakkie O'Neil from Nedbank regarding the necessity for sectoral charters.
Sakkie is a recognised expert on the Financial Sector Charter (FSC) (and no slouch on the COGP either). He (correctly, I think) observes that it may not be possible to align charters with the COGP, but that you could allow for a little leeway within the COGP to incorporate sector specific targets. The example he uses is:
"although the Codes address SME and woman-owned company loans, the banking industry may through the Banking Association, agree with the DTI on additional measures to promote this. This may be for bonus points."
Sakkie concludes with "you then end up with specific deliverables agreed between the relevant parties."
This makes perfect sense to me. You should really allow each industry to set there own types of targets for certain elements. For example the tourism sector should have specific requirements for employment equity and skills development.
Great idea. Now let's start lobbying.