ABVA is the Association of BEE Verification Agencies. Their web site is useless and hopelessly out of date. These guys are the body that controls rating or verification agencies and only ABVA members may verify companies.
They have their work cut out for them because there are apparently 50 of these companies operating out there, each with its own interpretation and methodologies. ABVA is now supposed to reign them in and prescribe standards and methodologies. Good luck I say.
There also seems to be a fair amount of heightened rating activity in the market place at the moment with these agencies attempting to drum up as much business as possible. My advice "DON'T DO IT YET!!!!!!!!". It's too early, the final codes aren't out yet. We also don't know what the final definition of an exempt micro enterprise is going to be and we aren't sure whether QSEs have to be officially rated. You might be wasting money and time.
If you find yourself forced to do it make sure they are part of ABVA - at least this provides you with an element of protection. ABVA has announced that a free follow up rating will be provided within six months of the first rating agencies being accredited.