Today's Business Report carries this headline on the front page "Coega firm may be forced to award R82m building deal to Scribante". As it turns out the winner of the tender, Sakhisizwe, did score fewer points on the tender than Scribante (Scribante scored higher based on price, the fact that it was a local business and it was going to use local black-owned subcontractors). Coega Development Corporation (CDC) has also admitted in court papers that it was wrong to award the tender to Sakhisizwe. Now it's a mud slinging match.
Else where in the Business Report there is an article on another government entity, SALGA and their tender processes (SALGA officials face forensic audit over tender). It is alleged that SALGA didn't follow tender procedures.
It is so clear that some people involved in the awarding of tenders are not aware of the rules or the ramifications of not following procedure. We've developed a to assist government departments in this process. Download iq_africa_education_government_department_tender_evaluation_seminar__16_august_06_v1.pdf