If you've read my book "Broad-based BEE for small businesses" (you can get it here http://www.kalahari.net/bk/product.asp?toolbar=none&sku=29709174&format=detail) you may have noticed I refer to a company called Patto and Halsall. This company is a product of my mind and was named after two great musicians, Mike Patto and Ollie Halsall. They played in a few bands together but are probably best known for playing in Patto.
Barry Monks who manages the brilliant Ollie Halsall web site http://olliehalsall.co.uk/index.htm has decided to post MP3s of the last official Patto album - Roll 'em smoke 'em, Put another line out. If you would like to hear my favourite Patto album and some of the best musicianship you've ever heard then download the MP3s from here http://olliehalsall.co.uk/rollemsmokem.htm. You won't listen to anything else for a long time (I'd love to know what you think of Mummy).